February 2nd saw Warwick Methodist Church host the annual “Youth Speaks” competition organised by the Rotary Clubs of Warwick, Warwick Avon, and Southam 2000, to give local young people a chance to demonstrate their public speaking skills. This event is a regular in the calendar having run for over 10 years
This year just 9 young people competed in the Seniors category (14 -17), with three teams from Warwick School, Kings High School and Princethorpe College. Intermediates have postponed due to Covid.
Each team of three members had 15 minutes to present the case for a topic of their choosing which ranged from “The past is more important than the Future” to “This house would lower the voting age to 16”. This annual event gives young people a chance to voice their opinions on topics they feel strongly about and demands significant research, knowledge and the confidence to present arguments clearly and concisely.
The contestants were judged by an experienced panel well steeped in the mystical art of public speaking. The event was hosted by the President of the Rotary Club of Warwick, Paul Jaspal, and Warwick Avon President, Jennie Guest, and attended by Warwick Mayor Cllr Richard Edgington, parents and colleagues.
Head judge Jon Wassall commented that all the teams were “winners” in that learning how to speak in public would give everyone an advantage in life. Everyone had prepared well, done their research and engaged with the audience. The results had been very close. Thanks were also due to parents and teachers who supported them through the preparation process.
The Senior class was won by a team from Princethorpe College which discussed “This house believes issues of National Security should take precedence over all other legal considerations.” They are shown receiving their awards from Warwick Mayor Cllr Richard Edgington.
Winners and runner up teams received book tokens from Warwick Books, and all contestants received a Certificate of Participation. Congratulating them President Paul Jaspal said he was staggered by the quality of the presentations and wished the contestants well in their future careers.
All contestants Runners up Warwick school Kings High team Winners Princethorpe College with Mayor & President Paul Jaspal