Covid 19 prevented Warwick Rotary Club from handing out school dictionaries in July this year. Eventually in September when schools restarted President David Brain was finally able to deliver them.
Overall nearly 400 illustrated dictionaries were delivered by the President for all Year 4 children at 8 Warwick primary schools, seen here with a Rotary colleague outside Woodloes school. They were left for teachers to hand out, denying the President the opportunity to see the children’s faces as they dived into reading weird and wonderful facts about sabre-toothed tigers, dinosaurs and much more.
Mathew Watson, Head at Westgate school reported children saying “Wow! this is a great book and it will help me with my writing”; “I can’t believe I have been given this book”; “aren’t we lucky!”. Rotary club President David Brain said “Rotary has been giving out children’s dictionaries for a number of years, so eventually every child will get one. Many children do not get given a book of their own to keep and we find it very well received”
Over 750,000 school children in the UK and overseas have received a Rotarian donated dictionary through the Dictionary4life project over 13 years to assist their literacy and stimulate interest in “old fashioned” books. This year’s books cost the club £1,400 and the club does not know how it is going to fund the 2021 supply.
Warwick Rotary Club has been unable to raise funds since March this year, with the Thai Festival, Bonfire night and Carols at the castle cancelled, the club has decided it must concentrate what little it has left in reserves on food and poverty issues.
President David Brain is looking for donations or sponsorship so this programme can be continued next year. Please contact the club if you can help