About Us
Rotary Warwick
We share the aims of every Rotary Club across the world, which is to serve the community both locally and nationally, and as a community organisation we aim to make Warwick a better, happier, and friendlier place in which to live or to visit.
Meeting times. NOTE until November 2025 we will be unable to meet at Delta Marriott as it is hosting asylum seekers. Contact secretary Jackie Crampton 07798 896894 for venue update. We have a full programme and are resolinge an alternative venue as a priority!
(We usually ! meet every Wednesday at The Delta Marriott Hotel, Stratford Road, Warwick – CV34 6RE , (former Warwick Hilton) which is on the edge of Warwick, adjacent to Junction 15 of the M40)– Click here for location
On the 1st, 3rd and 4th Wednesday of every month we arrive at 12.30 pm for a 1.00 pm start, where we have a light lunch which is normally followed by a speaker who will talk on a variety of topics be it anecdotes about adventures, different types of occupation, unusual interests and hobbies or indeed anything of general interest. At least once a month we have a speaker from a charity, be it local or national, who will talk about their particular cause.
To facilitate people who are at work we now meet on the second Wednesday of each month in the early evening – 6 pm for 6.30 pm – instead of lunchtime, where a similar format will be followed except that a buffet will be provided rather than lunch. Everybody is welcome.
But we are not just a luncheon club – this is just where it starts. Our meetings are designed to cultivate and develop friendship, combined with community activities, and as our members come from a variety of backgrounds they welcome the interchange of ideas and thoughts. Contrary to popular belief, Rotary is most definitely not restricted to men and we have a large input from our Lady members.
Where does it end??
Read on:
On the fifth Wednesday of a month we have an evening meeting instead of lunchtime, to which guests are particularly invited and we meet at 7pm for a 7.30pm start. The location of this may vary so please contact the secretary, Jackie Crampton on 01926 492496 to confirm. At this meeting we try to get the services of a speaker or an entertainer with slightly more time to develop their theme.
Throughout the year we organise many activities and events to suit people of all ages, and we work closely with other organisations on many more. Listed below are some of the events we are involved with, and through our fund-raising we are able to support the Rotary aim of helping and assisting others, both at home and overseas, in the form of charity giving and physical help.
- Thai Festival at Warwick Racecourse
- Carols at the Castle
- Warwick Town Bonfire & Fireworks Display
- Schools Concert in St. Mary’s Church
- Pancake Races in the Square
- Lights of Love Tree at Christmas, enabling people to remember loved ones
We also support many other less high profile, but equally valuable and enjoyable activities. These are grouped together by activities:
Youth – (Chairman – Laurie Day)
- Schools Concert – Every June we organise a concert by the pupils from local primary and secondary schools, which is held at St Mary’s church. Money raised at these concerts is given to the schools to help them develop their musical ambitions.
- Youth Speaks – This is a public speaking competition for secondary schools. This is a valuable opportunity for young people to learn skills that will help them develop and improve their prospects in life.
- Travel Scholarships – Support is given to young people who intend travelling abroad to undertake work of a charitable nature, which will also help to develop their personal skills. To apply for help or to make further enquiries please go the contact page.
- Young Enterprise – Our members act as Business Advisers in local schools which are participating in the national Young Enterprise initiative.
- Scholars Lunch – senior year students join members for lunch in October and exchange views on their futures.
Community – (Chairman – Jackie Crampton)
- Pancake Races – The pancake races are held on Shrove Tuesday each year for local schoolchildren, and adults, and attract great support.
- Kids Out – Once a year the club arranges, in conjunction with other clubs in Rotary, for a day out at a theme park for local schoolchildren who would otherwise not have the opportunity.
- Dictionaries – The club arranges each year for children in the town leaving Infants School and going on to Junior School to have their own personal illustrated dictionary.
- Community health. Funding is found to support groups supporting those with disabilities and health issues. Stroke awareness campaigns, mental health issues, and the local special needs schools. More recently we have helped the local foodbank and groups providing food parcels during school holidays.
- Fundraising. Collections are carried out at various locations throughout the year to raise money for local and national charities. In addition help is provided to other local charities by assisting with marshalling and offering general support at their events.
- Lights of Love. At Christmas each year the tree in the Market Square is illuminated and the public are invited to make a donation to remember loved ones by purchasing a light.
- Defibrillator. One of the first defibrillators in the town was funded and fitted in the Market Square by Warwick Rotary.
International – (Chairman – David Smith)
As well as supporting Rotary Foundation we support various overseas projects. Recent projects include:
- Hospices of Hope. Providing palliative care/services for adults and children in Romania, Serbia and Moldova. Visit web site
- Sanitation First. Provision of E’Co San toilets in India. Visit web site
- One World Link. A locally based charity offering support in Bo, Sierre Leone. Visit web site
- Chernobyl Childrens’ Project. Working in conjunction with the Solihull group of a charity giving respite to children affected by the Nuclear Reactor Disaster in Chernobyl. Visit web site
- Tackling Hunger. A project in slum areas of cities world-wide, encouraging children into school by providing nutritious food. See web site
- Disaster Aid. Working with Shelter Box as First Responders to give aid in natural disaster areas. Visit web site
- Toilet Twinning. It only costs £60 to install a toilet in a school/community/family to combat many diseases. For more information contact morleyam@aol.com.
- Global Sight Solutions. Restores eyesight to poorer communities and provides basic cataract operations. Visit web site
- Jaipur Limb. Providing limbs for those suffering from Polio or other crippling diseases at affordable cost. Visit web site
- Guatemala Literacy project. Providing education for children in Guatemala through educational services. Visit web site
All these events, that enrich the life of our community, only happen because people are prepared to give some of their time to support them. Click on the links to find pictures and details of ‘Past Events’ on this page. Do also look at the News page.
If you wish to be part of all this then come and join us. You will find it very rewarding and a lot of fun in good company.
The efforts of the club and it’s members are, and have been in the past, generously supported by local businesses and organisations. We are very appreciative of this support which helps us to do the work that we do.
A full list is given on our LINKS page, together with a link to their various web sites, and we hope that you may be able to support them as they have supported us.
“Be involved in your community”
If you would like to join us or would just like to find out more about the activities we organise please check the rest of the website or contact us by visiting the ‘Contact’ page
We hope you will join us at one of our meetings to meet our members and if you would like to do so please contact Jackie Crampton by 12 noon on the day before the meeting on 01926 492496.
Rotary is the largest service organisation in the world. Through it’s Foundation Charity it encourages many worthwhile developments overseas and encourages better communication or co-operation between communities.
Since 1985 Rotary Foundation has put over $1 billion into the eradication of polio, a battle that is nearing completion. For further information about it, visit this site and play the video.
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Dick Dixon | |
Club President 2024-25 | |