Rotary Club Of Warwick

Dec16 - Dedications on Lights of Love this year

Dedications on Lights of Love this year

Here is the list of people whose cards are on our tree in Market Square up to Dec 16th 2024. They will be removed on Jan 2nd and will be available to retrieve from Warwick Tourist office for the week after. Jackie Crampton.

Lights of Love 2024
Pam Ainsworth
Alan John Anscomb
Jack and Hazel Arthurton
Brian Avery
Vicky Bibby
Peggy & Eddie Blackaby
Frederick Blackburn (Fred)
Abbey Bowen
Stephen Box
Harry, Charlie Bradley
Dennis & Elaine Brinkworth
Winston Brown
 Michael, George & John Butler
Sandra Butler
Carole Ann Byford
John (Kit) Carter
Dan Cawthorne
Brian (Grandad) Chalmers
Brian Chalmers
Cheddar, Becky, Glade, Zeida & Charlie
Chris & Nonno
Christopher & Becky Clare
Gordon & Stuart Coleman
Simon Coller
Carol & Keith Collins
David Constantinou
Derek Cooknell
Michael Cornes
Marian Crampton
Geoff Creighton
Geoff Creighton
My Boy Dan
May & Reg Dando
Matthew Day
Mike Deeley
Jill Dennison
John Denny
Sara Dix
Wilfred & Joan Dominy
Brian Douglas (MBE)
Jack Duxbury
Alan R Evans
Michael Evans
Adam Fathers
Adam Fathers
Edward (Bluey) Field
Clarence (Dude) Field
Jess and John Fitzpatrick
Jean and Maurice Franks
Friends & Family No Longer With Us
William Herbert Fulcher
Alice Florence Fulcher
Grace and Ron Fulford
Rosemary & Arthur Galilee
Michael Gilbert
David Glassborow
Rachel Danette Gogerly
Ernest Graham
Muriel Graham
Bruce Graham
Jean and Tim Gray
Jamie Greenleaf
Margaret Griffiths
Grace and Len Gunter
Len & Grace Gunter
Sue Hardy
Charles Harrison
Jim & Ella Harrison
Betty & John Harrison
Ida and John Harvey
Leigh Haskins
Martin Hayton
Ron & Maggie Height
Margaret and Gordon Heritage
Alan Higlett
Stuart Hodges
Dick, Floss, Trev and Trudie Holland
Matthew David Holland
Stephen James Holland
June & Alan Howard
Barbara Hughes
Kenneth Sidney Hughes
Lucy Hulse
Kathleen (Kathy) Hunt
Ron Hutt
Mary Jackson
Katrina Jakeway
Terry Jones
Margaret and Neville Jones
Roy Joyner
James Joseph Karasek
Margaret and David Keighley
Sue Kempsey
Philip Kenny
Jon-Paul Kerr
Sylvia and Fred King
Roger (Dad) Kitchen
Roger Kitchen
Cath and Gordon Kitchen
Karen Kitchen
Monica and George Lane
Laila Lindley
Mick Lloyd
Frank Lording (Grandad)
Brian McCann
Sarah McCann
Frank McDonagh
Donald McFall
Sue McManus
Keith Meale
Esme Miller
Ray Miller (Dusty)
Wayne Adam Millward
Dan & Mariel Moroney
Mary and Alwyn Mortiboy
Nanna, Nan & Pops
Ann Napier
Brian Nealon
Holly Nichols
Our Little Angels in Heaven
Our lovely Dad & Grandad
Sue Owen
Paul & Phil
Thelma & Jane Piggott
Keith Pither
Mary Pither
Alf and Peggy Potter
Samantha Poulton
Dad, Robert Poulton
David Pratt
Lynn Pratt
Francis and Joyce Rainbow
Cath Rawlins
Pat and Peter Reynolds
Paul Reynolds
Janet Reynolds
Colin (Bampy) Reynolds
Chris Riley
Denise Ritchie
Anthony Ritchie
Adam Robb
John and Mabel Rudd
Lucy Rudd
Mae Ryan
Lucy & John Sarson
Mary and Idris Saunders
Debbie Schemmer
Guy Shand
Mike Shand
Hazel & Stefan Siennicki
Judith Smith
Baby Thomas Smith
Brenda & Jack Smith
Baz Smithard
Alan Paul Steele
Joan Steele
Ronald Steele
Helen Stuart
Kit Summerfield
First Name Surname
David Swain
Snowy Taylor
Max Taylor
The World, for peace for everyone involved in conflict
Winnie and Joseph Thumwood
Brian Tiff (Dad)
Derek Tigwell
Tom and Pam Tilling
Michael Tolley
Beryl, Russell and Paul Trotter
Colin Vale
Kevin Ward
Nigel White
Nigel (Dad) White
Nigel White
John Arthur Williams
John Williams
Jack & Joan Woodward
Joan and Charlie Worrall
Pat and Peter Wright
Mr & Mrs (Mum & Dad) Yeomans

